# Implementing an XPCOM interface in Rust In this example, we'll introduce the following interface: ```omg-idl #include "nsISupports.idl" interface nsIStreamListener; [scriptable, rust_sync, uuid(5c135256-c199-4d26-9d11-f5e8c8002869)] interface nsIHelloWorld : nsISupports { ACString generateHello(in ACString name); }; ``` ## Implementing the interface in a `struct` A classic, pure Rust implementation of this interface could look something like this: ```rust struct HelloWorld {} impl HelloWorld { fn generate_hello(&self, name: String) -> String { format!("hello {name}") } } ``` The first thing we need to do is to decorate the `struct` declaration to indicate it implements the `nsIHelloWorld` interface: ```rust #[xpcom::xpcom(implement(nsIHelloWorld), atomic)] struct HelloWorld {} ```
This decorator is provided by the `xpcom` crate, which also requires the `nserror` and `nsstring` crates to be listed as dependencies alongside it. All three crates are located in `xpcom/rust`. More information on how to use the `#[xpcom::xpcom]` decorator can be found in the Cargo documentation of the `xpcom_macros` crate (see [this section](build_cargo_doc) for instructions on building Cargo documentation for internal crates).
This decorator defines that the `struct` implements the `nsIHelloWorld` interface. It also defines an initializer struct called `InitHelloWorld` (following the naming convention `Init{ImplementationClassName}`), alongside a `HelloWorld::allocate` method that can be used to initialize the method. This means we can now define a `new` method to `HelloWorld`: ```rust impl HelloWorld { pub fn new() -> xpcom::RefPtr { HelloWorld::allocate(InitHelloWorld {}) } ... } ```
`InitHelloWorld` can be used to define the fields of `HelloWorld`, if it had any. For example, if `HelloWorld` was defined as: ```rust struct HelloWorld { name: &str, } ``` Then a call to `HelloWorld::allocate` could look like this: ```rust HelloWorld::allocate(InitHelloWorld { name: "Sarah", }) ```
`HelloWorld::allocate` also handles all the necessary operations to ensure that the new instance of `HelloWorld` is correctly ref-counted (hence why it wraps it into a `RefPtr`). ## Using XPCOM-compatible types Next, we want to fix up `HelloWorld::generate_hello` to use XPCOM-compatible types. In this case, both the input and the output are defined as `ACString` in the XPIDL definition of our interface, which maps to `nsstring::nsACString`. This means `generate_hello` will take `*const nsACString` as an argument (note that all arguments which are purely described as input (`in` in XPCOM terms) are passed as `*const`). For the method's return value, we might not want to use `nsACString` straight away since this type can be a bit difficult to work with for what we want to do; instead we can use its subtype `nsCString` (see [this page](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/xpcom/stringguide.html) on the Firefox source docs, as well as the Cargo doc for `nsstring`, for more information about internal string types): ```rust impl HelloWorld { ... fn generate_hello(&self, name: *const nsACString) -> nsCString { let mut hello = nsCString::from("hello "); hello.append(unsafe{ &*name }); hello } } ```
Note the `unsafe` block inside the call to `hello.append()`. This is because we need to dereference the raw pointer of type `*const nsACString` to access the data with the `nsACString` type, which is an unsafe operation.
Additionally, XPCOM requires the method to implement some kind of error handling by returning a `Result`, which error type is either `nserror::nsresult` or any type that implements `Into`. This gives us this final form of `HelloWorld::generate_hello`: ```rust impl HelloWorld { ... fn generate_hello(&self, name: *const nsACString) -> Result { let mut hello = nsCString::from("hello "); hello.append(unsafe{ &*name }); Ok(hello) } } ``` ## Exposing the method as XPCOM Now, all we need to do is to associate `HelloWorld::generate_hello()` with the `generateHello()` method from the XPIDL interface. Note that, just like in C++, XPIDL method names are translated to Pascal case in Rust (i.e., `GenerateHello()`). We do this association using the `xpcom_method!` macro from the `xpcom` crate: ```rust xpcom_method!(generate_hello => GenerateHello(name: *const nsACString) -> nsACString); ``` We use `nsACString` here as the return value in the `xpcom_method!` macro, to fit with the XPIDL definition. We can do this (and not have to stick strictly to `generate_hello()`'s return value) because the macro implements a new `GenerateHello()` method onto the `HelloWorld` struct, which has the following signature: ```rust unsafe fn GenerateHello(&self, name: *const nsACString, retval: *mut nsACString) -> nsresult ``` This new method calls `generate_hello()`, and either assigns its return value to `retval` or returns the error value included in the `Result` (if no error is returned, `GenerateHello()` returns with `nserror::NS_OK`). You can refer to the Cargo documentation for `xpcom::xpcom_method` for more information. It's also possible to skip the `xpcom_method!` entirely, by refactoring the `generate_hello()` method into a `GenerateHello()` one, which implements the signature described above. By this point, and with a bit of cleanup, this is what `HelloWorld` should look like: ```rust use nsstring::{nsACString, nsCString}; use xpcom::{xpcom_method, RefPtr}; use nserror::NS_OK; use nserror::nsresult; #[xpcom::xpcom(implement(nsIHelloWorld), atomic)] struct HelloWorld {} impl HelloWorld { pub fn new() -> RefPtr { HelloWorld::allocate(InitHelloWorld {}) } xpcom_method!(generate_hello => GenerateHello(name: *const nsACString) -> nsACString); fn generate_hello(&self, name: *const nsACString) -> Result { let mut hello = nsCString::from("hello "); hello.append(unsafe { &*name }); Ok(hello) } } ```
All XPCOM objects are reference-counted, and as such exclusive access to them can't be guaranteed. As a result, it's not possible to use XPCOM to expose a method that takes a mutable reference to `self` (i.e. `&mut self`) to directly modify fields on the struct. To mutate a struct field, it is necessary to provide [interior mutability](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/interior-mutability.html), such as by wrapping the field in a data structure from [`std::cell`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/cell/) or similar.
## Writing a constructor for the struct We can now write a constructor that can be used by XPCOM's `createInstance()` to instantiate the `HelloWorld` struct: ```rust use xpcom::nsIID; #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn nsHelloWorldConstructor( iid: &nsIID, result: *mut *mut c_void, ) -> nsresult { let instance = HelloWorld::new(); instance.QueryInterface(iid, result) } ```
The `QueryInterface` method is automatically implemented for `HelloWorld` by the `#[xpcom::xpcom]` decorator.
## Registering the XPCOM component We now have all the Rust code necessary to expose `HelloWorld` to the rest of Thunderbird – now all that's left to do is to tell it our component exists. A current limitation of XPCOM's compatibility with Rust is that the constructor needs to be a symbol which exists within C++ land. To do this, we need to create a dummy C++ header for it. Let's call it `nsHelloWorld.h` and locate it at the root of our crate: ```cpp #ifndef ThunderbirdRustHelloWorld_h #define ThunderbirdRustHelloWorld_h #include "nsID.h" extern "C" { // Implemented in Rust. MOZ_EXPORT nsresult nsHelloWorldConstructor(REFNSIID aIID, void** aResult); } // extern "C" #endif // defined ThunderbirdRustHelloWorld_h ``` Then we can create a `components.conf` file (let's locate it at the root of our crate as well): ```properties Classes = [ { 'cid': '{5c135256-c199-4d26-9d11-f5e8c8002869}', 'contract_ids': ['@mozilla.org/comm/rust/hello-world;1'], 'headers': ['/comm/rust/hello_world/nsHelloWorld.h'], 'legacy_constructor': 'nsHelloWorldConstructor', }, ] ``` There are a few noteworthy aspects to this file: * the `cid` must be identical to the `uuid` in the XPIDL interface's header * we have decided to call our crate `hello_world`, and we have located it at `comm/rust/hello_world` as per [](../new_component.md) Now we need to tell the build system to include the registration when building Thunderbird, which we can do by editing `comm/rust/hello_world/moz.build` (or creating it if it does not exist) and adding the following line to it: ``` XPCOM_MANIFESTS += ["components.conf"] ``` And finally, if this has not already been done previously, we can add the relative path to the crate to `comm/rust/moz.build` to make our crate's `moz.build` discoverable: ``` DIRS += [ ... "hello_world", ... ] ``` And that's it! You should now be able to create a new instance of `HelloWorld` from JavaScript or C++.